How to properly maintain the battery of a portable pwer station?

BYPower Battery | 22/05/2023

Portable power station, as backup emergency power sources for outdoor activities or power outages in households, they can directly provide power to small appliances or digital devices. Proper maintenance of the lithium battery in the portable power station can extend their lifespon. However, many people are unware of how to maintain lithium batteries. Here, I would like to share some experience in the hope of providing you with assistance.

Portable power station

Here are the correct methods for maintaining the lithium batteries for power supply.

  1. Prohibit connecting inductive loads to the output port of the lithium battery power supply.
  2. When using a lithium battery power supply, it is necessary to comply with the relevant regulations in the product manual or user guide. Ensure that connection of the live wire, neutral wire, and ground wire meets the requirements. Users must not change their order arbitrarily.
  3. Generally, batteries have protection measures for discharge.However, after reaching the protection shutdown state, the battery can recover to a certain voltage.At this time, it is not allowed to restart the device, as it may cause over-discharge of the battery.
  4. For the batteries thar are stored for a long time, they should be powered on and charged every 3 to 6 months. Otherwise, both the host device and the battery may be demaged.
  5. When using lithium batteries, pay attention to various parameters such as input voltage range, output power, long power supply time, coversion time,as well as battery brand, machine size, noise, weight, and other parameters.
  6. The usage environment of lithium batteries should have good ventilation for heat dissipation and maintain cleanliness.
  7. Regularly perform maintenance on lithium battery power supplies. Clean the dust inside the device, measure the voltage of the lithium battery pack, check the operation of fan, and adjust the system parameters as needed.
  8. Prohibit overloading. It is recommended to keep the maximum startup load of the power supply battery within 80%. Overloading usage may cause frequent breakdown of the inverter under the inverting state.

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How to properly maintain lithium battery power supplies?

In daily use of energy storage products, people often have the mentality that batteries do not require maintenance and do not pay too much attention to them. However, if lithium batteries are not used and maintained correctly, it will shorten their lifespan. Therefore, it is necessary to protect and use batteries properly based on selecting standard and reputable storage batteries.

It is important to maintain an appropriate temperature to ensure the normal operation of lithium batteries. For general batteries, the ambient temperature should be maintained between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Although higher temperatures can effectively improve the battery's discharge capacity, it is crucial to note that increased temperature will also decrease the battery's lifespan. If the external temperature is too high, it will accelerate the internal chemical reactions of the battery, in turn, promoting the rise in ambient temperature. This cyclic and vicious process will greatly accelerate battery deterioration and adversely affect normal usage.